Week #12

  • Lettuce – how sweet that butter lettuce is!
  • Scallions
  • Cabbage – our favorite – “Caraflex” the green cone cabbage is here!
  • Broccoli
  • Kale or chard
  • Sugar snap peas – really the last! Or favas (the last)
  • Zucchini – is it time to make zucchini bread yet?
  • Herb – basil or parsley
  • Kohlrabi
  • Garlic

We spent the week saving the rest of the onions, weeding the beans and generally sprucing up the farm. Juvencio mowed and trimmed all of the grass that has gotten wild with the last showers and now the place looks party worthy. We head into the summer planting months which includes all of the fall crops that we hope to have for you in late September and October. Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, radicchio, endives, rutabagas (new for us this year), beets, over wintering broccoli and cauliflower and cabbage. We think about the winter and how we will pack our greenhouses to supply delicious vegetables throughout the season. We managed 35 shares last winter. We will see how many we can accommodate this year. 

This week Luna and I harvested the first cucumbers and tomatoes. Enough for the farmers to give it the “Vista Buena” but not enough to share with all our customers. We hope in the next few weeks to give you all those summer delicacies. The peppers are in full bloom and growing in their new greenhouse almost weed free. The goats helped us clean out greenhouse number two and it is officially empty. We are awaiting the arrival of our new chicks in two weeks.We hope they can spend a month or so acclimatizing and eating bugs in there before we plant it for fall and winter.

 Portland area activists have maintained four straight weeks of protest against police brutality and institutional racism. I am so proud of our members and our community being part of this movement towards justice and equality for all. One of our former members shared this month of activism and I am sharing it with you. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H-Vxs6jEUByXylMS2BjGH1kQ7mEuZnHpPSs1Bpaqmw0/edit

Never mind that it was for June you can still do it in July. It is full of daily action and reading that will help The white community be the best allies possible and understand on a deeper level. Remember to contribute some of your hard earned money to worthy causes. Consider giving back your state “kicker” to fund our public schools. I for one have always thought returning money to taxpayers at the state level is foolish. Our schools are always struggling with large class sizes and not enough funds. Defunding the Police in our schools is another great way to spend needed money in the classroom and not on the school to prison pipeline.

 I was wondering what the protocol would be at local “you pick” berry farms and I was pleasantly surprised. West Union Gardens http://www.westuniongardens.com/ (just 1.5 miles from our farm) is open M-Saturday from 8-8. They have a mask on when arriving policy and a hand washing station and a “no tasting while picking” policy. They have all sorts of cane berries. We are all “jammed” out and have moved on to fruit leather. 

West Union Gardens – U Pick Berries Hillsboro OregonWest Union Gardens is a family farm near Hillsboro, Oregon, which is open to the public during Oregon’s bountiful berry season. We raise dozens of varieties of berries for u-pickers and for sale already picked in our farm stand. Our farmstand and u-pick are closed for the season. We will open again in the summer when there are berries to pick.www.westuniongardens.com

Another local farm : Sunrise Blue berries https://www.facebook.com/SunriseBlueberry/ has some of the best blueberries around. They open soon, maybe even today. We have not been yet during the pandemic so we cannot vouch for their policies and protections. We will be checking them out later today and can report back.

 A nice recipe to use your cabbage.


A family favorite from the Kass/Englendar household:


An onion and cabbage “pizza”:


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